
26 February, 2014


I can’t just be on my own
We all have a part to play in the lives of people around us
Look, my eyes are on you now
Do you really see me?
Please do not ignore me

I seek not, what you have in your pocket
Because it will run dry
You do not need to go far to find what I want
It is there on your face
Just smile for me

At a time I am so alone
With many around me
Struggling to make them feel me
To no avail
I longed for your path on my back
For what comes from that will put a refreshing smile on my face

Thank you, that’s all I can say
As many words are stuck in my mouth

It is my eyes that says the rest

25 February, 2014

What lies Beneath

It happens, I know
It’s just left for you alone to know
That is just the way it revealed itself
One thing for sure
We should learn not to quarrel with the outcome of events
Because the hands of time
Surely cannot be turned back
And even if you do your time, it is none of our business
Indeed, truth is bitter
But the burden is grave
It’s a two edged sword that harms even the bearer
Be sure of misery when you keep it from others
And pain when you let loose of it
The journey into life is only for the brave
Hence we are all warriors
The shield we bear is laid bare by us
But there in our heart lies what we fight for
So sad we had no witness
When what we fight for was planted 
But that is how it is for all

06 February, 2014

What I found

In the midst of many disbelief
In the time of confusion
In the period of… I do not know
Life hangs on the threshold
Waiting for the next move
Move that will be made by you

What then are you?
One who listens to what lies within or the one beyond?
You know what?
The ingredients of life is never far fetched
Just as fate will want it
Now, your choice will define you

You are here now, at the beginning of the very next
Waiting for God knows what
Indeed a second opinion is very welcome
At times like this, it will arrive late; if it ever will
What then but cling on yourself and make use of the little time left, wisely

You find yourself in desperate times
I believe so
Though the big question begs for answers
What did you discover?

03 February, 2014

The Way it Is

I have seen things that seemed not
I have said it the way I understand it
From my own point of view
That is the best I can do
The lessons of life
Do not meet us waiting for it
Rather we reveal ourselves on meeting it
Needing not to prove anything
Our story tells the outcome
If there is left a living voice to recreate the scene
Ones story tell a lot about his belief
Needing not to prove anything
The unknown about the powers of fate is quite deep
And lies not in a particular story
For the wise, a story like this tells a whole lot about the big picture that is yet to be uncovered
Journey into fate follows no sequence
Everybody has a tale to tell
Nothing fails or holds entirely
Save from the beginning
Not a single person knows that part of the story
We are just born to be faithful