
25 September, 2014

At Long Last


In the beginning I was just there
Not knowing what was going on
They said I cried
But what it was for
I do not know

The journey of life
Knocked out unconsciousness off me
Now, I am of the know
Running from what hurts
To the arms of love

Everyone has a tale to tell
But that is just the beginning
At some point in life
I get so confused on what to do next
I needed help
But then, who will help me?

Now I know
It is not just a game, but a real life story
One has to survive
And indeed I needed some good times
In all this ups and down of life
Someone is really watching

In the end
Which I know not what it will be like
Tears may be shed
Sighs may be heaved
But then, my path…
May be towed or forsaken

17 September, 2014

Pass It on

Teach a child how to go about it
It becomes easy
Though you may not want to
When you do not like how you go about things
Then it makes sense not to
But then
Why your way?
When is not worth to be passed on
After all, that is the way you do it

…..  you are wrong?

02 September, 2014

Unwinding It

Just around the corner
The story changes
And what follows...
You can tell
But only by chance
Of all the options
Why this one?
Honestly that is the true revelation of nature
Good turn bad and the contrary
While taking stock at a particular juncture
..what a creation?